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Name: Sarinilli Morian
Birthday: 13 June 1982
Location: Colorado, USA

Languages: English, German, Japanese (beginner), Hylian (my conlang)





  • Sewing - I have over 20 years of overall sewing experience! Sewing and sewing related skills include: costuming, general sewing, mending and alterations, accessories and toys/plush, clothing design and pattern creation


  • Textiles - quilting, crocheting, appliqué, needlework/cross-stitch, embroidery


  • Jewelry Making - bead work, bead weaving, wire work/wrapping, jewelry repair


  • Papercrafts - origami, papier-mâché and decoupage, book binding


  • Writing - creative literature (completed NaNoWriMo '08), web content, product advertisement


  • Leather Crafting - sewing, rivetting, tooling; construction of accessories & leather jewelry


  • Wood Working - carving, wood burning, general carpentry, framing, sanding and (beginner) woodturning


  • Metalworking - beginner and small scale only as of yet! Includes cutting, sanding/polishing, molding/forming and wire work


  • Painting - skilled with acrylics on canvas: detailing, nature and landscapes; painting on textiles


  • Sculpting - I have used sculpey but much prefer working with paperclay.


  • Computer Skills - graphic art, webdesign & coding (HTML5, XHTML, CSS); font construction


  • Graphic Art/Design - digital painting, drawing, and editing; graphics for web and print, logo design, vector, texturing, photo manipulation

  • Vinyl - I design and create my own vinyl works


  • Photography - nature & landscapes, wedding photography


  • BJD - faceups, restringing & hotglue sueding, alterations (carving, sanding, drilling) acrylic eyes, clothing



Aside from my skills, I have other hobbies and interests which I find relevant enough to list...

Hobbies: video games (Zelda series, Skyrim, Minecraft, etc), cosplay, karaoke, reading.

Interests: cherry blossoms, Norse mythology/Norse ways, cats, medieval/renaissance, Asian culture (Japanese in particular), music.

Collections: gemstones, Zelda merch, anything with the dream kanji, anything to do with cherry blossoms.

About Me

I've always been a rather do-it-yourself kind of person. Even back into my early childhood I enjoyed crafts, drawing, sewing, and dressing up as my favorite characters. I was making costumes from my favorite shows as young as 12, without realizing it was "cosplay". It wasn't until after I was introduced to the anime and manga scene (thank you, Sailor Moon) that I realized Cosplay as one of my favorite hobbies.


Being raised by a gamer for a mother, I've always been a fan of gaming in various forms; mostly surrounding the Legend of Zelda series which has been a very influential part of my life even outside of gaming. What can I say; I was 7 when I was first introduced to it; I swear back then that old Cartoon wasn't as horribly cheesy to a child's mind! haha
These days when it's not Zelda, it's Skyrim and other PC gaming; Minecraft is both something I play and something I use as a graphical outlet. I have a resource pack free to download over on my DeviantArt page.


If you meet me, you won't believe that I was ever a shy kid growing up, but I was! I've spent time doing the usual sort of jobs; retail, customer service, you know the drill. But after a while I realized that it wasn't enough to just go to work, get paid and come home too tired to be creative. I had to make my dreams a reality, and turn my hobbies and skills into a career. And thus here we are.



Tools of the Trade

Among my many skills, lie many tools at my fingertips. Too many to list for the physical works. I own a professional quality sewing machine, and many many handheld tools I use on a daily basis. I have access to a lathe and metal cutting tools as well.


As for graphics, I typically operate in Photoshop CS6, with a Wacom Intuos3 A4 drawing tablet. All of my small scale printing (such as for my pinback buttons) is done in house on a finely tuned and oiled (rather, I upkeep ink and keep it clean) desktop inkjet printer. I typically work in 600dpi for best quality; or pixel ratio for screen printing works.


My buttons, magnets and vinyl are created in house with my 1.25" button press, and Cricut Explore Air 2. Both of these combined with my graphical experience means I can create tangible products without having to outsource. It also means I can take commissions and custom requests for both without having to rely on anything but my own skills and stock.

Though I may not have access to more industrial, professional machines and tools, this does not stop me from being resourceful, and finding ways to do whatever I can myself, with what I have available to me, and still get professional results.

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